If you are confused about the nutritional benefits of millet, then you have landed at right place. Both wheat and rice have been staples in our diet then why people have started developing wheat allergy?
Generally we take either rice or roti as main ingredient in our plates. But if the rice and roti are made of millet then our plate’s nutritional value will go to another level. But How?
Millet specially these five, namely Foxtail, Barnyard, Little, Kodo, Browntop are powerhouse of nutrition. These are not ordinary grains, but special grains with cleansing properties. Each individual millet has the capacity to cleanse specific organ of our body. If we are consuming all these five millet in rotation as your staple food along with seasonal fruits and vegetables, they can meet all our body’s nutritional requirements.
These millet are best grain for people suffering from wheat allergy, gluten allergy or such.
Carbs are the common thread between wheat, rice and millet
Now coming back to Wheat and Rice, if we compare it with millet, you will find that all sorts of wheat, rice and millet have carbohydrates. Although there is no harm in consuming carbs, but we need to have enough fiber to support the amount of carbs. Apart from carbs, millet are also rich in fiber and the way fiber is arranged in these millet is amazing and very unique. Fiber structure in these five millet is in concentric circles weaved along with carbs from center of the grain to outer layer. So during digestion, it release glucose in a controlled and uniform manner in the blood. Thats not the case with wheat and rice. Wheat and rice has fiber in outer layer only and that also got removed after processing. Moreover modern wheat is hybridized and it is as bad as consuming sugar directly, and its protein structure is so complex for body to digest.
Ready to know more about millet, checkout this
For those who are obese, diabetic or having any chronic disease, Millet is the right choice!
Millet have complex carbs with enough fibre. Low glycemic index, naturally gluten free, alkaline and many more healing properties. So millet don’t put load on our system rather help heal the body.
Millets help with cholesterol. Millets will help cut down on low density lipoprotein cholesterol (also known as the “bad” cholesterol) and increases high density lipoprotein cholesterol (the “good cholesterol”). It also protects the heart and prevents a number of cardiovascular diseases.
Millets in general are rich in fibre, micro-nutrients, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, manganese and more. And when you have them along with variety of seasonal and local vegetables, they can constitute a complete healthy meal. Hence, they make for a great addition to a person’s diet.
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