This is millet based food protocol based on Dr. Khadar’s research on millet and his lectures. This Siridhanya Food Protocol can help stay healthy in health issues like Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing noise in one or both ears, when you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears). This is NOT medicine or treatment or cure, but food protocol that will support body during illness.
Kashaya (Herbal Drinks)
Take each Kashaya for one week and repeat the cycle.
- Kenaf or Roselle (Gongura)
- Dill Weed Leaves
? Names of Kashaya/Kashayam leaves in Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, Telugu and other local languages
कषाय, हर्बल ड्रिंक की पत्तियों के नाम हिंदी, पंजाबी, मराठी, तेलुगु आदि अन्य क्षेत्रीय भाषाओँ में देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।
Only fresh leaves are to be used for the preparation of Kashaya. Half a fistful of leaves if small in size and 3 to 4 if big in size should be taken. The leaves that are bought from outside need to be immersed in tamarind solution for about 10 min and later rinsed in structured water (squeeze 20 grams of tamarind in 3 liters of structured water for making the solution). Boil 200 ml of structured water. Then add the leaves to it and boil it for another 2 to 3 minutes on a low flame. Turn off the stove, cover it with a lid. After 2 to 3 minutes strain the kashaya using a stainless-steel strainer. Add palm jaggery syrup if required and consume it lukewarm.
Siridhanya Millet
Take Siridhanya Millet in Ambali (fermented daliya/porridge) form for 3-4 weeks and then repeat the cycle. From 5th week onwards, you can make any dish of your choice from Siridhanya Millet.
- Foxtail – 3 days
- Browntop – 3 days
- Kodo – 1 days
- Little – 1 day
- Barnyard – 1 day
? Names of Millet in Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada and other regional languages
मिलेट के नाम हिंदी, पंजाबी, मराठी अवं अन्य क्षेत्रीय भाषाओँ में देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।
? Useful links –
✔ Siridhanya Protocol Explained in English
✔ सिरिधान्य फ़ूड प्रोटोकॉल हिंदी में पूरी जानकारी
✔ Millet recipes by Sujata from WholesomeTales (Hindi, English)
✔ Dr. Khadar’s Lectures in Hindi
✔ All about Ancient Grains (Watch Full Series)
? अनपॉलिशड मिलेट – ऑनलाइन ख़रीदें
? Buy Unpolished Millet Online
(Protocol source and credits : Books, lectures of Dr. Khadar Vali – PhD)
IMPORTANT NOTE : Please consult your doctor at all the times. This is a food protocol that can help you keep healthy in given condition and it is based on Dr. Khadar’s research, his lectures. It is NOT a medicine.
Explore a wealth of knowledge about Dr. Khadar Vali’s books and resources on our website. Access free downloadable PDFs including the popular Dr. Khadar Vali Millets Book and Siridhanya Millets PDF to learn more about the power of millets for health. Whether you are looking for Dr. Khader Vali’s books in Hindi, Siridhanya millets recipes, or insightful guides, we provide authentic and comprehensive resources to support your journey towards millet-based wellness. Discover and download Dr. Khadar Vali PDF resources today and join the millet revolution!
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